Thursday, March 31, 2011

Going, Blaxxploitation, Stereotypes.
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by Avinesh2008

Question by Alex Muntaz: Blaxxploitation and Stereotypes. When Is It Going To End?

I find it really sick and tiring of the particular group of people who liken themselves as 'proud' african-americans.
I've never personally met anyone that is so blind about the real facts of racial exploitation and how it is going on, but I've certainly seen them on the internet, on television news, most of all in the media.

Before I had thought of it as a minor thing. As I had to study for my exams on the old culture-based stereotypes marking black, asian and oriental women as natural-born jezebel whores, the fact that while Halle Berry and Whoopi Goldberg are hollering how much they have gone so far to get where they were and screw you whiteys, I was playing basketball as a child with illegal immigrants who were young girls from the Philippenes, Sri Lanka, and even one in particular Ethiopia, many of them coming from dark backgrounds they never want to speak of, and were extremely underpaid and continously trapped in thankless tasks of cleaning and raising children with no hope for retirement nor any protection from any abuse. I was too young to try to do anything about those things I saw almost every day, and as I grew up I learned of sex trades and prostitution, women being cast out after being forced to sell their own body organs to illegal buyers, systematic destruction of culture and personal history, etc.
I know it's so easy to just go about your life and pretend they don't exist, but I've never seen such whining crybabies like the 'proud' afro-americans. People who should be thankful that if they cry out, people often listen.

I knew one particular young black soldier in Bahrain that once lived in his time there, having a young indian maid and later having an affair with her, and even having a child with her. Surely, for being a descendent of slaves and blacks under apartheid systems, he would understand the illegal immigrant that were common in the island. Surely he would play the fairy tale prince and take her and their child to america with him, and live happily in freedom, their kid going to free schools and his wife can give more money to her relatives far away in the east... But NO. I found out about their story when I walked out one day to find the young maid alone begging to be let in the base's security with a screaming sick kid in her arms.
Her story was a scandal told in whispers among the more privilidged army wives. I was 12 then, and did not find out what had happened to her and her child.
If there were people trying to crack down illegal workers and prostitutes in the large country that is america, imagine how many of similar forces there are in that one, tiny island.

Digression aside, I grew up to see black people systematically put on the 'gangsta/ho' stereotype onto themselves. It wasn't until I noticed that this sort of sterotyping was been going on for more than a hundred years. Did anyone know that black women were encouraged to be slutty, so it could excuse the white men to choose their partners to breed new slaves? So they could talk back to the anti-slavers and quakers by saying that, hey, these women don't care, they're nothing but animals with basic lust for anything. And then, after slavery is abolished, they would SAY the same thing as the visited each of these women forced to work as prostitutes, or forced themselves over them.
Isn't the sterotype still there? Even dolls of today like the Bratz still show black characters speaking the 'black' language and showing themselves as sexualised. I've seen movies where this sort of thing was supposed to be funny. Am I the only one who finds that disturbing?

I don't even complain about people being in welfare. I've even met heart-surgeons who apply for 'benefits' just for having a kid here in england. But when I see these people call themselves africans, scorn anyone else, white, oriental or even latino, when they have kids who can find work or go to school, when most of them have legal protection at their fingertips, and are not put down in the social class by caste system or dictatorship. Yet it is always they that seem to keep on demanding and complaining. Yes, some of you are still unequal, some of you are unemployed and feel underpriviliged, but why do many of them get so high and mighty to everyone else? Do you realize that very rarely do politicians actually bother to distribute people of other races equally in the workplace? While you afro-americans keep harping on about the slavery and apartheid that affected your ancestors, the oriental americans somehow seem quiet about their own hardships. Like how they were forced into concentration camps furing WW2, dispossesed of their own homes and jobs and friends, slandered by all and seen as the enemy. Yet no one gives a sh!t. Like no one gives a shi!t about the chocolate plantations Nestle owns, or the slaves and child brides or the illegal workers sent to all over different parts of the world. I see a lot of black celebrities with more money then I can e

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